Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Little Crochet Pumpkin

Let me begin with the inspiration... I saw faithsyarnworks lovely crochet pumpkin on instagram (same name on instagram) and immediately got on Pinterest to find a pattern to crochet a tiny pumpkin... SO CUTE. I found this wonderful crochet blog that was extremely helpful - but I need photos. So I'm attempting a photo tutorial... hopefully it's helpful...
Begin with a magic ring. (If you do not know how to do this - totally search on You Tube for a step-by-step visual - that's how I learned.)
Round 1
Slip Stitch (SL ST) through loop then complete the following stitches through loop.
Chain (Ch) 1, 3 Single Crochet (SC), 3 Half Double Crochet (HDC)  photo on left
then continue to the other side
3 SC, 3 HDC, (for a total of 12 stitches) join in beginning SC
(it's already beginning to shape into a little pumpkin!)

Round 2
Ch 1, Single Crochet Decrease (DEC) = Single Crochet through the 1st and 3rd stitch (skipping the 2nd)
3 HDC in the next 3 stitches (for a total of 9 HDC) photo above shows 3 HDC in one stitch
DEC through 1st and 3rd stitch (skipping the 2nd), 3 HDC in the next 3 stitches (9 HDC total)
join in the beginning SC DEC

Round 3
Ch 1, 1 SC in each next 9 stitches
Ch 1, SL ST in decrease
Ch 1, 1 SC in each next 9 stitches
Ch 1, SL ST in decrease - tie off.

 Join new color to center decrease (I just tie on new color - see photo)
Ch 4, SL ST back down the CH 4. Cut and sew in tail.
Cute hu?

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